Checking free space in all drives
EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives
To Run a failed job by a single T-SQL statement
USE msdb
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 'BACKUPTEST'
USE msdb
EXEC sp_stop_job @job_name =
waitfor delay '00:00:05'
EXEC sp_start_job @job_name =
STOP a currently executing job - SQL Server Agent Stored Procedure
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job N'BACKUPTEST' ;
Check running status of a job
SQL Server 2008 T-SQL - Running = 1 means currently executing
DECLARE @job_id uniqueidentifier = '4C004358-62E0-4933-9268-90F54EF36AA9'
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, sa, @job_id
If current_execution_status=1 then RUNNING
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_id='0D823348-2DDC-4816-93EA-307D6E736437'
Get job INFO on application job - execute system stored procedure
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job
@job_name =
@job_aspect =
N'ALL' ;
SQL Server Agent disable job
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job
@job_name =
N'Back Up Database - AdventureWorks2008',
@enabled = 0 ;
To find out full hard disk details with space utilized (In MB) and
percentage, space utilized in MB and % for a system.
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'Dir
Server Performance issues - From where to start in crises
This Query will gives you the detailed information about waiting
select a.spid, b.name, a.cmd, a.memusage, a.cpu, a.program_name, a.nt_username, a.loginame, a.hostname, a.status
from master.dbo.sysprocesses a,master.dbo.sysdatabases b
where a.dbid=b.dbid and blocked<>0
This Query will
gives you the which database is using the most CPU cycles. In case you are
hosting more than 1 databases on your server and you wanted to
know, which database is most resources
know, which database is most resources
Used DB:
select db_name(dbid), count(dbid) as processes ,sum(cpu) as usage from
sysprocesses group
by dbid order by usage desc
This Query will
gives you the which database is causing the most Blocking.
Blocked DB
select db_name(dbid), count(dbid) as processes ,sum(cpu) as usage from
sysprocesses where blocked != 0 group by dbid order by usage desc
Gives the
process that causes deadlock
select a.spid,b.name,a.cmd,a.memusage,a.cpu,a.program_name,a.nt_username,a.loginame,a.hostname,a.status
from master.dbo.sysprocesses a, master.dbo.sysdatabases b
where a.dbid=b.dbid and spid in (select blocked from master.dbo.sysprocesses where blocked<>0)
Processes running
for more than 10 min
Select sp.spid, sd.name, sp.waittime/(1000 * 60) as wait_time_mins ,
sp.cpu, sp.memusage, sp.login_time, sp.cmd, sp.program_name,
sp.nt_username, sp.loginame, sp.hostname, sp.status, sp.waitresource, sp.blocked
from sysprocesses sp, sysdatabases sd
where sp.dbid = sd.dbid and sp.status = 'runnable' and
sp.waittime/(1000 * 60) >= 10
Gives the waiting
select a.spid, b.name,a.cmd, a.memusage, a.cpu,a.program_name, a.nt_username, a.loginame, a.hostname, a.status
from master.dbo.sysprocesses a,master.dbo.sysdatabases b
where a.dbid=b.dbid and blocked <> 0
Processes with
Runnable status
Select sp.spid, sd.name, sp.cmd, sp.memusage, sp.cpu, sp.login_time, sp.program_name, sp.nt_username, sp.loginame,
sp.hostname, sp.status, sp.waitresource,
from sysprocesses
sp, sysdatabases
where sp.dbid = sd.dbid and sp.status = 'runnable'
Processes running more than 30 min (All databases)
Select sp.spid, sd.name, sp.cmd, sp.memusage, sp.cpu, sp.login_time,sp.program_name,sp.nt_username, sp.loginame,sp.hostname, sp.status, sp.waitresource,sp.waittime from sysprocesses sp, sysdatabases sd
where sp.dbid = sd.dbid and datediff(minute, sp.login_time, getdate()) >= 30and sp.status = 'runnable'
Processes running more than 30 min
Select sp.spid, sd.name, sp.cmd, sp.memusage, sp.cpu, sp.login_time,sp.program_name,sp.nt_username, sp.loginame,sp.hostname, sp.status, sp.waitresource,sp.waittime from sysprocesses sp, sysdatabases sd
where sp.dbid = sd.dbid and datediff(minute, sp.login_time, getdate()) >= 30and sp.status = 'runnable'
SQL Server Performance Counters
select * from sysperfinfo
where object_name in
Methods','SQLServer:SQL Statistics','SQLServer:Memory
counter_name in ('User Connections','Lock Requests/sec','Lock Timeouts/sec','Number of Deadlocks/sec','Average Wait Time(ms)','Active Transactions','Transactions/sec','Full Scans/sec','Page Splits/sec','SQL Compilations/sec','SQL Re-Compilations/sec','Lock Memory (KB)')
There might be
a possibility that this query will give you error, this is
because in this page single quote (‘) is displayed as (‘), which is a
different character, please this (‘) in case required.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near ‘‘’.
Incorrect syntax near ‘‘’.
These queries are
mostly applies to SQL Server 2000 but all will works with 2005 and 2008.
Server 2005 and 2008, we can use DMV to get more info.
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